Made-to-Measure Help
Latex Catfish's Made to Measure service further advances our philosophy
of personalization and signature attention to detail. In addition to
offering sheets from our exclusive selection, the service provides for
customizable options with finishes and details and allows for personal
tailoring according to the client's individual measurements. Each
garment is impeccably tailored for a truly unique experience.
How To Measure Your Body?
Regarding the Made-to-Measure size table required by Latex Catfish, we need up to 24 measurements of values. The specific size parts and model reference diagarams can be found inside your account.
It is VERY important that you use a soft-tape to take the measurements
along the skin. also have someone else take the measurements you cannot
take your own measurement, no matter how good you are. Seriously, do
yourself a favor and don't try this one at home as those beautiful
things we make for you will not fit.
Videos on how to perform each measurement can be found for woman and man here. Its vital that you and the person taking the measurements review these so that you can be assured of the proper fit.
After reviewing the videos if you find that they are complicated, you
don't have someone to measure for you, or you really just want an expert
to do it -- then your best best is to print the form found on the
[Made-To-Measure Names] link inside your account, and take it to an alteration place,
dry cleaners or other place that deals in clothing. They know what to
do. Tip them a few bucks or some of their favorite drinking beverage
and they will be happy to oblige.
How To Place Made-to-Measure Orders on Our Website?